ICO Fellowships Program
The International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) Fellowships Program was organized to help promising young ophthalmologists from low-resources countries improve their practical skills and broaden their perspectives of ophthalmology. Fellows are expected to bring the acquired knowledge and skills back to their home countries and take part in programs to preserve vision and prevent blindness. For the ICO-Allergan Advanced Research Fellowship we encourage applicants from all countries.
The ICO gratefully recognizes grants, gifts, and pledges to the ICO Fellowships Program. Support ICO Fellowships by contributing to the ICO, ICOFoundation, or the International Ophthalmological Fellowship Foundation (IOFF). The IOFF was formed in Germany to support the fellowships. View ICO Fellowship donors.
To learn more about specific ICO Fellowships including, sponsors, stipends, and application dates click on the links below under "ICO Fellowships."
ICO Fellowships:
ICO Three-Month Fellowships
ICO-Children's Eye Cancer Foundation Three-Month Retinoblastoma Fellowship
ICO-World Glaucoma Association (WGA) Three-Month Fellowships
ICO-Eye Cancer Foundation (ECF) Six-Month Fellowships for Diagnosis and Therapy of Retinoblastoma
ICO-Retina Research Foundation One-Year Helmerich Fellowships
ICO-Fred Hollows Foundation One-Year Subspecialty Fellowships
ICO-NEI/NIH One Year Fellowship in Ocular Genetics
ICO-Allergan Advanced Research Fellowship (One Year)